Why name my website Book Obsessed? Because that is what I am! Seriously, you should see my TBR list. All it does is keep growing, it never gets smaller. But to me, that’s a good problem to have. And for me, this website is a safe place for me to express my book obsession.
But this website is more than sharing good books, even though there is nothing wrong with that. I also want it to be a safe place to share my journey as an avid reader and as an aspiring author. Yes, one day, probably in the far future, I hope to be a published author. Over my lifetime, being an author is what I have believed God’s purpose for me is. And throughout these past few years while I have been in college, that is what I have slowly but surely started working towards.
I also want this website to be a safe place for you to discover all kinds of books. I have already reviewed books of many types of genre, whether it be historical fiction, fantasy, romance, science fiction, etc. But I always make sure that what I do share and review is clean or Christian.
But ultimately, I hope that through Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, I honor God and inspire others to read more or even start their own writing journey. This is my passion, my calling, and I am so excited to share it and have an encouraging and uplifting space to do just that.