Showing 4 Result(s)

Update: Not Going to College?

Hello everybody! I hope everyone is doing well. I’m just giving a quick update on my life. As the title of this blog post implies, I am not going off to college. At least, I’m not going to be on a college campus for this fall semester. Trinity Christian made the decision a couple weeks …

Update: Prepping for College

Hello everybody! I am going to start by saying once again that I don’t have another book review. And instead of putting that much faith in myself and saying that I hope to have one soon, I’m just going to leave it at I don’t have another book review. This upcoming month, I will mostly …

Update: Reading, Writing, and Online Shopping

Hello everybody! I hope everyone is healthy and safe right now and have stayed sane during quarantine. During quarantine, I finished my last semester at Waubonsee Community College and will be graduating with my associates degree (although there won’t be an actual graduation). I will be moving on to get my Bachelor’s at Trinity Christian …

Update: I Survived Finals

Hey everybody! Sorry for the long wait for a new post. I’m trying to be more consistent but that hasn’t worked out. Hopefully, over my winter break from school, I’ll have time to read and review another book for you! Finals are finally over, and so I have a little bit more time on my …