Fallen from Grace: The Celebrate Lit Blog Tour and Giveaway of Anna’s Secret

About the Book

Book: Anna’s Secret
Author: Blossom Turner
Genre: Inspirational Romance
Release Date: May 1, 2019

Anna Clarke has faced loneliness for years, caring for a sick and distant husband. Recently widowed, with all that brought meaning to her life gone, the consummate good girl falls from grace in a moment of weakness and passion.

Horrified to find she is pregnant, she is surprised when those closest to her assume the baby is her late husband’s. Guilt and pride allow the lie to live until her deceit hits a wall when the biological father Dr. Matthew Carmichael comes calling.

Shocked at how one lie bled so easily into another, Anna realizes her reputation of devout Christian living is about to disappear like a leaf caught in a windstorm. She hears the whisper of her loving Heavenly Father, who longs to restore her soul, but does she have the courage to face the scandal and the truth of her feelings toward the handsome Dr. Carmichael?

Click here to get your copy!

Book Review

I’ve never read a book that pounded its message into the reader as much Anna’s Secret does. And I’m glad it does, because it is a very important message to hear: No matter how much you screw up, God will always forgive you. And because we have received God’s gift of forgiveness, we need to forgive others, too.
The book itself is about a widow who gives herself away to another man shortly after her husband dies. And outside of marriage. When she finds out she’s pregnant, she finds ways and spins lies to cover up her indiscretion.
I did thoroughly enjoy this book. Everyone sins and we as Christians need to recognize that. But God is a gracious God. We just need to confess our sins to Him and trust in Him. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Anna’s Secret proves that it is much harder than it sounds. We have this stupid pride that we hold onto and refuse to let go of. God is the only One who can break down that barrier.
The book itself moves quickly and from several different viewpoints, so as the reader, you have to try and keep up. But overall, I feel like it is definitely a book that would be beneficial to read.
I had received a copy of this book as part of the Celebrate Lit Blogging Team and was required to give an honest review.

About the Author

Blossom Turner is a free-lance writer published in Chicken Soup and Kernels of Hope anthologies, former newspaper columnist on health and fitness, an avid blogger, and published novelist. Her authentic understanding of the power of love in the darkest of circumstances is woven masterfully through this first book in a five-book series—Katherine’s Arrangement. She and her husband, David, have two grown children and live in Canada. Read more at blossomturner.com.

More from Blossom

I am a hopeless romantic, it has been at the core of my being from a child up. I dreamed of a love that would whisk me far from the pain of my childhood upbringing.
When I first started to write Anna’s Secret, I had not yet learned all I needed to know about forgiveness. I was half-way through the book when sorrow and betrayal hit my marriage. (See “About Me” at https://blossomturner.com) I stopped writing for years.
However, as God healed the broken and restored my soul, words of love once again danced within my being. God directed that I finish this book weaving in all I learned from the crucible of suffering in her own life. Through understanding the restorative power of God’s forgiveness when humanity fails, I wrote Anna’s Secret with a strong thread of hope woven into its fabric.
Readers have expressed the authenticity has brought them to tears, given them a love story that entertained, but the part I love the most … Anna’s Secret has inspired some readers to ask God for the help to forgive themselves, or ask Him for power to offer the gift of forgiveness to another.
My prayer is that you will find Anna’s Secret an entertaining romance, inspiration to your soul, and that you will enjoy the happy ending … always a happy ending. After all, God is the God of happily ever after, and heaven is the home in which all His children will find the greatest love of all.

Blog Stops


To celebrate her tour, Blossom is giving away the grand prize package of a signed copy of Anna’s Secret and a $25 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. Thank you so much for taking time to bring to our attention another great read. I enjoy these tours and finding out about many terrific books.

  2. Sounds like it has a great message!

  3. This sounds really good–I'd like to read it to see if it's as good as it sounds!

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