About the Book
Book: Glorious Mess
Author: Mary McCullough
Genre: Christian Nonfiction/Biblical Studies
Release Date: March 10, 2020
A woman struggles with a messy home situation, brokenness, rejection, and shame.
Know a woman like this?
Are you a woman like this?
Hannah, a powerful biblical example, was just such a woman. Through her life women can glean answers for their own life problems. Hannah didn’t stay in her grief and pain. She came to the end of her own striving and poured out her heart to the Lord—who answered her prayer.
Experience God’s love and healing in your own “messy” situations as you explore Hannah’s heartbreak and struggles in a Bible study just for women who don’t have it all together. This interactive six-week daily Bible study will help you pray transparently, praise wholeheartedly, and break off the shackles of spiritual barrenness, the need for approval, and perfectionism.
Hannah’s story will empower you to rise from your ashes, leave your messes in God’s hands, and live in service to the King of kings.
Wounds you thought would never heal will become scars that no longer hurt but remind you of the journey from broken to beautiful. As you wait, healing will come. Your soul will find rest even when the situation doesn’t change.
Click here to get your copy!
Book Review
Shamed. Broken. Barren. These are words are used to describe Hannah. And this Bible Study takes this woman and uses her as a glorious and amazing example of God’s grace and love. The author shows how God takes Hannah-a broken, heartbroken mess-and creates her to be a beautiful, glorious woman who can and should be an example for women today.
I loved doing this Bible Study. It helped me to explore and analyze my spiritual life and relationship with God. Have I been patient with Him? Am I trusting in Him? Have I been open and honest with Him? The truth shocked me and made me realize I need to change some areas in my life. And I need to focus on my relationship with God.
I would recommend this book to use for a Bible study. While the author really intends it more for a group of people, it is one that can be done alone and privately if you would so prefer.
I had received a copy of this book as part of the Celebrate Lit Blogging Team and was required to give an honest review.
About the Author
Mary McCullough worked as an elementary school teacher for twenty-three years and is now an assistant elementary principal and building administrator. The co-founder of God First Friends, a ministry that helps women flourish as disciples of Christ, she is a longtime Bible study and Sunday school teacher for children and adults. She and her husband have been married for thirty-two years and have four adult children and three grandchildren. They live in Decatur, Indiana. Glorious Mess is her debut book.
More from Mary
Glorious Mess is the Biblical study of Hannah. As a perfectionist and control-freak, I had a neat and tidy life. That is until everything fell apart, and I found myself crying out to God for healing when life got out of control in so many areas. The more my world spun out of control, the more I identified with Hannah. She taught me about authenticity, grace, and perseverance. Her rival, Peninnah, taught me how to handle mean-spirited people and brought my own flaws to the surface so God could deal with them.
Year after year, I cried out for the healing I so desperately wanted at the foot of the cross. Mistreatment from others, the pain of watching others hurt, and my own weaknesses led me back to Hannah’s story time and again. It was Hannah’s journey from broken to bold and beautiful that kept me going. I wanted her confidence in the Lord. I wanted to stand up from my pain and never look back again on the pain but to know the God she knew. Some may think pain is in vain, but the Lord never wastes anything if we allow him to use it. I have learned of his kindness, faithfulness, and goodness beyond understanding. I’ve learned what it is like to be broken, and now I know what it means to be whole.
It is my prayer that each individual who goes through this study will be changed for eternal glory!
I’ve learned that your messes don’t define you, but they will refine you if you will lay them at the foot of the cross.
Blog Stops
Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, October 14
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 15
Captive Dreams Window, October 15
Texas Book-aholic, October 16
Rebecca Tews, October 17
For Him and My Family, October 18
Inklings and notions, October 19
deb’s Book Review, October 19
Locks, Hooks and Books, October 20
Remembrancy, October 21
Ashley’s Bookshelf, October 22
Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, October 23
Mary Hake, October 23
Happily Managing a Household of Boys, October 24
Artistic Nobody, October 24 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)
Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 25
Godly Book Reviews, October 25
Splashes of Joy, October 26
Sara Jane Jacobs, October 27
To celebrate her tour, Mary is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and signed copy of the book!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.
This sounds like a great read.
This sounds like a great Bible Study, thanks for posting.