Update: Prepping for College

Hello everybody! I am going to start by saying once again that I don’t have another book review. And instead of putting that much faith in myself and saying that I hope to have one soon, I’m just going to leave it at I don’t have another book review. This upcoming month, I will mostly be packing up to leave for Trinity, and I have a lot to do before then! So, reading will be kind of on the back burner for me this month besides any reading I might have for Celebrate Lit.

Writing will also be on the back burner this month for me, although I might try to squeeze in a few writing sessions here and there. I can’t just not write, especially when I get a random burst of inspiration. Don’t you just love it when that happens?

Anyways, other than that, my life is pretty boring. I have my class schedule for Trinity and my room assignments. And I’ve just been slowly packing up my room and preparing. It’s exciting and nerve-wracking all at the same time. I’m ready for this next step in my life, though. While I will miss Waubonsee-especially since I never got to say a proper goodbye to it because of the pandemic-it’s time for me to move on. I hope that Trinity will be a good experience for me. I know I’ll learn and grow a lot.

I also know that I want to get really involved on campus, because that’s not something I really did at Waubonsee and I want to change that. I just hope I don’t pile on too much into my schedule, especially since I am a HUGE procrastinator. I still get things done, though, and on time with a lot of coffee and stress.

So here I am. About to take a big step in going to Trinity and figuring out my future there. I am very excited. Especially about all the English classes that I will be taking. I hope I love every one of them as much as I loved my English classes at Waubonsee. I don’t think it will be too hard though. Trinity is a great school and I feel very blessed to be going there.